Negozio Uomo, aperto dal 1994, che reintrepeta il Classico in chiave contemporanea, fondendo la tradizione British col buon gusto italiano.
Offre un’ampia selezione di brands e di prodotti cogliendo ogni aspetto del vestire maschile.
Ben strutturato anche il servizio di “Sartoria e Capi su misura”.


February 24, 2016 / Sportswear International / Taken from the interview by Maria Cristina Pavarini:

Focusing on sober top quality menswear with a sense for color is a must for Vincenzo Reggiani, owner of the Lacerba store in Rimini and product consultant for Ernesto, exclusive blazer brand. “The real problem is not following trends, but finding the good menswear again that seems to be lost,” he likes to say. “We have always followed our own way without caring for passing trends,” he repeats while quoting his own store tagline inspired by the Futurism art movement, like his store’s name.